by Alleanza Bidla | Nov 5, 2016 | Articles
The Alleanza Bidla party is not considering taking up a call earlier this week from Democratic Party leader Marlene Farrugia to form a coalition to ‘take take Malta back from ‘Putinesque parasites’.In a statement yesterday, Alleanza Bidla said: “Malta does not...
by Alleanza Bidla | Oct 27, 2016 | Articles
Those of us who regularly use the Coast Road have grown accustomed to motorcades speeding along with flashing lights and blaring horns taking the Prime Minister to work at Auberge de Castille and back. This is the way it should be. The PM’s time is valuable. The Coast...
by Alleanza Bidla | Oct 27, 2016 | Articles
Slick marketing campaigns work: they sell the product. But the trouble with marketing a sub-standard product is that, sooner or later, someone will buy and try it. And if the quality of the product does not correspond with the marketing, the customer will soon see and...
by Alleanza Bidla | Oct 27, 2016 | Articles, Main
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman” Of course, President Clinton lied when he denied having sex with Monica Lewinsky. To some, the lie was “excusable because he should never have been asked the question in the first place”. To others, it was a clear,...
by Alleanza Bidla | Oct 27, 2016 | Articles
All post-referendum debates on the subject were very below par and simply irritated me by their repetitious content. All of them, in my view, treated the audience as if it was comprised of mere idiots and I could not find anything truly thoughtful in any of the...
by Alleanza Bidla | Oct 27, 2016 | Articles
You cannot call yourself a politician of principle when you make promises to “please the crowd”, gain a position of trust and then cannot actually fulfil those promises. There are other words to describe those willing to do anything for ego, power, sex or money;...