

Health Problem: Every report and opinion points to problems in the management of our acute hospital and this has been an issues known for years and to various preceding governments. Out-of-stock medicines, long waiting times for appointments for the out-patient...
Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy Problem Malta’s Foreign Policy is in a state of total disaster.  This is because for decades now, we have not stuck to our own Constitution with regards to several policies and this blatant breach in law has created several wrong and harmful decisions...


Environment Problem:  If there is one area where there has been too much neglect and huge failure by both the traditional parties it is in the area of the environment. Abuse in our sea, air land and any other natural resources carries unabated. When it comes to...


Education   Problem Malta’s Education Policy is in a state flux.  We are continually experimenting with various new methods of education and the result is that the level of education being achieved by our children in state schools is plummeting. Private...
Defence and Neutrality

Defence and Neutrality

Defence and Neutrality   Problem: Defence of our country against internal or external attack is severely lacking at a very serious time of instability in our region . The myth that our defence is somehow hindered by neutrality status has been brandished for too...