This weekend, a delegation from Alleanza Bidla took part in various activities in Berlin organised by the Europeans United for Democracy (EUD), a pan-European EU critical alliance. Inside the EU it works for increased transparency, accountability, subsidiarity, and budget control. The EUD is holding its annual general meeting and also held a well attended public meeting on EU militarisation yesterday. Richard Byfalt, Secretary General welcomed Alleanza Bidla saying,“Maltese party politics truly needs a breath of fresh air. We wish Alleanza Bidla can make the much needed political breakthrough that would serve both Malta and Europe well.” Ivan Grech Mintoff and Anthony Calleja who were invited to speak on various occasions, talked about national Maltese politics, the EU’s undemocratic imposition on small states like Malta, instability in our region, Libya’s peace process and Malta’s invalid participation in EU’s military campaign. Mr Grech Mintoff said yesterday, “We are pleased and encouraged by the fact that these interventions were enthusiastically received and various MPs, MEPs, European political parties and the general public showed serious concern on the subject matter. As it also affects them most directly, pledges were also made to help in our various campaigns as well as to encourage more people/friends to participate in Alleanza’s crowd funding campaign so that we can take the Maltese government to court for knowingly breaking our Constitution as well as national and international law by participating in the EU’s military campaign.”
First published in The Malta Independent 28/06/15